personnel n. 1.全体人员,职员,班底 (opp. materiel)。 2.人事(部门)。 the personnel of the new cabinet 现内阁的班底。 the bureau of personnel 人事局。 personnel department 人事处[科]。
health n.;健康状态;卫生。 2.昌盛,兴旺;生命力。 3.(祝健康的)干杯。 H- is better than wealth. = Good health is above wealth. 〔谚语〕健康胜于财富。 Here is to your health! = To your health! 〔敬酒时用语〕祝您健康! public health 公共卫生。 public health work 保健工作。 a health centre [station] 保健站。 health certificate 健康证明书。 the board of health 卫生局[科]。 broken in health 体弱多病。 drink (to) sb.'s health = drink a health to sb. 举杯祝某人健康。 in a delicate state of health 〔委婉语〕有喜,有孕。 in (good) health 健康。 in poor health 不健康。 inquire after sb.'s health 问安,问候。 not ... for one's health 为了物质利益,另有目的 (He is not here for his health. 他到这里来另有目的)。 out of health = in poor health. propose the health of sb. 提议为某人的健康干杯。 recover [resume] one's health 恢复健康。
Deepening reform in conferring professional titles and building a contingent of quality health personnel 深化职称改革建设高素质的卫生人才队伍
Unfortunately , qualified health personnel ? along with the institutions , such as universities and medical centers , needed to train them ? are a missing keystone in many places 不幸的是,许多地区缺乏合格的卫生人员这块基石,也缺乏训练这些人员的机构,好比大学及医学中心。
Mayor estimated perpetrators have not yet escaped from the village , the village convened on the 11th morning all gathered more than 1 , 500 men , were all ordered to undress by the police in health personnel , on january 1 is the identification of women who died left scratching 村长估计凶手尚未逃出村外, 11日早晨召集全村所有1500多名男子集合,当场下令全体脱光衣服,由警方会同卫生人员,一一查验身上是否有妇女死前留下的抓痕。
Of the respective numbers of graduates from courses on physiotherapy , occupational therapy , radiography and biomedical engineering in the past three years , and the expected numbers of such graduates in the coming three years ; the employment situation of such graduates in the past three years , and whether there were any of them who were unable to engage in related work due to the lack of vacancies for allied health personnel in the job market 未来3年,医院管理局生署及私营机构预计需要多少名专职医疗人员及三在过去3年及预计未来3年,物理治疗职业治疗放射治疗及生物医学工程课程的毕业生人数过去3年,有关毕业生的就业情况,以及当中有否因就业市场没有专职医疗职位空缺而无法从事相关工作?
Early this morning , the village on the thai - full of tension , the villagers all pause and rest all , the village ' s 1 , 500 - odd men from the age of at least 10 to 60 years old , getting gathered in the square before january 1 undress rotation by elders and the police and health personnel , unequivocal have not survived the review and asked each any suspicious people on the wounds 今天一大早,包拉杰村就充满着紧张气氛,村民所有作息全部停顿,全村1500多名男性,从至少10岁到60岁,通通集合在广场前,轮流一一脱光衣服,由长老和警方及卫生人员,巨细靡遗的检视和询问每个人身上任何可疑的伤痕。
On the overall framework , the system divides users into rural users , maintenance for system and advanced users by users ’ function . the rural users can be divided into public health personnel and common people . the public health personnel take charge of collecting and transmitting information to database , while common people can incept information and learn from knowledge by browsing the public health website 在系统的总体设计上,根据国家对公共卫生建设的相关要求,以及农村公共卫生现状的特点,分析和设计出了基于gis的农村公共卫生管理信息系统的总体框架、网络分布模式以及公共卫生数据的流程,并进一步论述了总体框架设计中不同类型用户的功能和职责,将其分为基层用户、系统维护用户、高级用户三类,从而构成农村公共卫生管理信息系统的人员结构。