
health personnel中文是什么意思

  • 卫生人员



  • 例句与用法
  • Deepening reform in conferring professional titles and building a contingent of quality health personnel
  • Unfortunately , qualified health personnel ? along with the institutions , such as universities and medical centers , needed to train them ? are a missing keystone in many places
  • Mayor estimated perpetrators have not yet escaped from the village , the village convened on the 11th morning all gathered more than 1 , 500 men , were all ordered to undress by the police in health personnel , on january 1 is the identification of women who died left scratching
    村长估计凶手尚未逃出村外, 11日早晨召集全村所有1500多名男子集合,当场下令全体脱光衣服,由警方会同卫生人员,一一查验身上是否有妇女死前留下的抓痕。
  • Of the respective numbers of graduates from courses on physiotherapy , occupational therapy , radiography and biomedical engineering in the past three years , and the expected numbers of such graduates in the coming three years ; the employment situation of such graduates in the past three years , and whether there were any of them who were unable to engage in related work due to the lack of vacancies for allied health personnel in the job market
  • Early this morning , the village on the thai - full of tension , the villagers all pause and rest all , the village ' s 1 , 500 - odd men from the age of at least 10 to 60 years old , getting gathered in the square before january 1 undress rotation by elders and the police and health personnel , unequivocal have not survived the review and asked each any suspicious people on the wounds
  • On the overall framework , the system divides users into rural users , maintenance for system and advanced users by users ’ function . the rural users can be divided into public health personnel and common people . the public health personnel take charge of collecting and transmitting information to database , while common people can incept information and learn from knowledge by browsing the public health website
  • 其他语种释义
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health personnel的中文翻译,health personnel是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译health personnel,health personnel的中文意思,health personnel的中文health personnel in Chinesehealth personnel的中文health personnel怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
